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How Can You Make Your Leather Bag Look New Again?

Leather is incredibly resilient and sustainable however, due to variuous reasons, its appearance can also change. It can be caused by either time or neglect from the owner, leather also gets worn out and deteriorates. But it also reacts surprisingly well to the treatments; the quality can be restored, and believe it or not, you can make it look as good as brand new again. 

The question remains here: how can you do it? 

To answer this, we must first understand what causes leather to decay.

Leather stiffens over time, and this usually happens when the bag gets either wet or too dry. Leather is also vulnerable to stains which is why it requires utmost love and care to look its best for a long time, but that is often not the case.

Regular care of your leather bag is usually enough to revitalise it. The condition of the leather bag depends on the owner because it can only be kept unblemished if the owner takes care of it. Leather is not your average material; it requires regular maintenance and cleaning to ensure that it remains unscathed. But caring for your leather bag does not mean that there will be no apparent changes in it; you have to keep an open mind to the fact that some changes in the appearance of your leather bag are normal. The leather develops a patina over time, giving it a more weathered look. It can also result in uneven colouration, but it is also a sign of high quality, and there is no need to worry about it.

Obi Pelle has a leather handbag sale in the UK; check out our website to avail of this grand sale of high-quality leather bags and accessories.

Cleaning A Leather Bag

Like we said, regular cleaning of your leather bag is enough to bring it back to its original appearance, but there are things you should and shouldn’t use to clean your leather bag. First, you should avoid using bleach or ammonia-based cleaner on your leather bag. Water is also harmful to leather, so ensure your bag is moist during the process and not entirely wet. Now that we have put the things that shouldn’t be used aside, let’s talk about the things you can use to clean your leather bag:

Baking Soda Or Cornstarch

Baking soda and cornstarch effectively remove oil stains from your leather bag. You need to put one of these solutions on the stained place and rub it with the help of a damp cloth. After rubbing the solution, you can leave your bag overnight, and you will see that baking soda or cornstarch has absorbed the stain, and the remains of the solution can be wiped off your bag.

Lemon Juice And Cream Of Tartar

This solution has also proven itself competent in the removal of stains. Mix the two to get a paste and apply it to the stain. Leave it on for thirty minutes and then wipe it away with the help of a damp piece of cloth.

Cleaning Products

Choose a light-coloured solution and try it on a small patch of your leather to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage. After you check the product, you can apply it to the bag. Here are the steps to clean your leather with cleaning products:

1. Use a damp cloth and saddle soap to clean the leather; make sure to squeeze the fabric well, so it doesn’t leave your leather too wet.

2. Wipe the soap off with a damp cloth and make sure every bit of soap and moisture is wiped away.

3. Use a dry cloth afterward to ensure no moisture is left on the bag.

4. Use your fingers to apply a dressing with neatsfoot oil on your leather bag. The leather will take a few hours to soak; once it softens, use the product again.

5. Lastly, leave the leather bag to dry overnight. Make sure nothing remotely is touching the material while you leave it unattended.

To avail of a leather handbag sale in the UK, visit Obi Pelle and check out our refined leather bags, wallets, and accessories collection. You can also have your piece customised by our professional and experienced artisans.

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